"Proud Professionals Educating Schools​"



Starting From $500 & Up

​(Refreshments Included)

Professional Development Opportunities for Parents

If you’re interested in bringing training into your organization, there’s no better way than through PPES Inc. — guaranteed!

On-site training is one of the most cost-effective ways to facilitate your school’s parent professional development goals, and we can tailor any program to meet your school’s exact needs. The benefits of on-site training are enormous!



Accepting the Challenges of Fatherhood
In this workshop, fathers will explore the unique challenges and joys of parenthood. They will discuss the role of fathers in child development and learn effective parenting strategies tailored to fathers' experiences.

What Fathers Will Learn: Fathers will learn how to build strong relationships with their children, navigate the challenges of fatherhood, and promote their children's emotional and social development.

Accepting the Challenges of Motherhood
Mothers will come together in a supportive environment to discuss the challenges and rewards of motherhood. This workshop will provide insights into maternal roles, self-care, and strategies for managing the demands of parenting.

What Mothers Will Learn: Mothers will gain strategies for self-care, balancing responsibilities, and fostering a nurturing and supportive home environment.

Accepting the Challenges of Being a Single Parent
Single parents face unique challenges. This workshop offers practical guidance and emotional support for single parents, helping them manage their roles effectively and build a strong support network.

What Parents Will Learn: Single parents will learn time management, coping strategies, and how to establish a support system to thrive as single caregivers.

Building Courage, Character, and Self-Esteem
Parents will explore strategies for nurturing their child's self-esteem and character development. This workshop will focus on instilling courage and resilience in children.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to boost their children's self-esteem, foster character development, and help children face challenges with confidence.


Advocating for Your Child with Special Needs
This workshop equips parents with the knowledge and skills needed to advocate effectively for their child with special needs within the education system and beyond.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to navigate the special education system, understand their child's rights, and advocate for appropriate services and accommodations.

IEP Goals 101: A Guide for Monitoring Student Learning
Parents will gain a comprehensive understanding of Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and learn how to effectively monitor their child's progress.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to set and track IEP goals, ensuring their child receives the tailored support they need for academic success.

Understanding Your Child's Learning Style
This workshop explores the concept of different learning styles and helps parents identify their child's unique learning preferences.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will discover how to tailor their support and teaching methods to match their child's individual learning style, optimizing their learning experience.

How Do I Know If My Child Is Making Progress?
Description: Parents will learn how to assess and monitor their child's progress in various aspects of development and education, ensuring they are on the right track.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain tools to track their child's development, identify areas of improvement, and collaborate with teachers for academic success.


Interactive Reading: Building Blocks for Reading Skills
This workshop focuses on interactive reading techniques that lay the foundation for strong reading skills in children, making learning engaging and enjoyable.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will discover techniques to make reading interactive and fun, nurturing their child's love for books and literacy.

Helping Children Develop Friendships and Social Skills
Parents will learn how to support their children in developing essential social skills and building positive friendships, promoting their overall well-being.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain strategies to help their children navigate social interactions, build friendships, and develop strong interpersonal skills.

Raising Responsible Children
This workshop delves into effective methods for instilling responsibility and accountability in children, preparing them for adulthood.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn strategies to teach responsibility, foster independence, and equip their children with essential life skills.


Helping Your Child Learn to Read
Discover effective methods and activities to assist your child in developing strong reading skills and a love for reading.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn techniques for supporting their child's reading development and making reading an enjoyable family activity.

​Math Workshop
Workshop Description: This workshop focuses on basic math concepts and strategies for parents to support their children's mathematical development.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain a fundamental understanding of math concepts and techniques to assist their children in building strong mathematical skills.

Literacy Workshop
Workshop Description: The literacy workshop is centered on improving language and reading skills in kindergarten-age children.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to enhance their children's literacy skills, including reading, writing, and comprehension, to help them succeed in school.

Basic Grammar Workshop
Workshop Description: This workshop delves into the fundamentals of grammar and language mechanics.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will acquire essential knowledge of grammar rules and language structure, enabling them to assist their children in improving their writing and communication skills.

Family Math Workshop
Workshop Description: The family math workshop emphasizes math activities and games that can be incorporated into daily family life.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will discover creative ways to make math enjoyable for their children through interactive activities and games, fostering a love for mathematics.

Creating Literacy-Rich Environments Workshop
Workshop Description: This workshop is dedicated to teaching parents how to create an environment at home that promotes literacy development.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain insights into how to set up a literacy-rich environment at home, including strategies for encouraging reading, writing, and language development in their children.

Collaborating with the Community
Explore the benefits of community collaboration and learn how to engage with local resources to support your child's education and development.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to tap into community resources to enhance their child's educational experience and personal growth.

Understanding Common Core
Gain insights into the Common Core educational standards and how they impact your child's curriculum and learning experience.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will understand the Common Core standards and how to support their child's education in alignment with these standards.

School Level Organizations (PAC/LSC/PTA/PTO/PTSA)
Understand the roles and importance of parent-led organizations within the school community and how you can get involved.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to engage with school-level organizations to advocate for their children's educational needs and contribute to school improvement efforts.

Special Education Laws, Process, and the IEP
Gain a comprehensive understanding of special education laws, the IEP process, and your rights and responsibilities as a parent.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will become well-informed advocates for their child's special education needs, understanding the legal framework and processes involved.

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Discipline
Description: Learn positive strategies for intervening in and disciplining challenging behavior, promoting a healthy and nurturing environment.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will acquire effective strategies for managing challenging behavior in children while maintaining a positive and supportive atmosphere.

Prescription for Homework Headaches

Discover solutions for common homework challenges and create a structured and effective homework routine for your child.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain strategies to make homework time productive and less stressful for both themselves and their children.

Life Skills: Personal Financial Management
Acquire essential life skills related to personal financial management, ensuring your child's financial literacy and future stability.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to teach financial responsibility to their children, fostering good money management habits.

Life Skills: Health & Fitness
Foster a healthy lifestyle in your child by teaching them essential life skills related to health and fitness.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will discover how to promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle for their children, including nutrition & physical


Domestic Violence Prevention
Learn about domestic violence prevention strategies to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for your child.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain knowledge about recognizing and preventing domestic violence, and creating a safe home environment for their children.

What to Do When Your Child Is Bullied
Discover effective steps to take if your child is facing bullying, helping them navigate and overcome this challenging experience.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn how to recognize signs of bullying, support their children, and collaborate with schools to address and prevent bullying.

Leadership 101: Parents
Learn the basics of effective leadership as a parent, empowering you to advocate for your child's educational and developmental needs.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will develop leadership skills to effectively advocate for their children, both in the education system and the community.

How to Start Your Own Business
Discover the steps and strategies for starting your own business while balancing the demands of parenthood, and providing for your family's future.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will gain entrepreneurial skills and insights to explore business opportunities while managing family responsibilities.


Understanding Charter School Choice
This workshop will provide an overview of charter schools, their mission, and how parents can choose the right one for their children.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about the charter school application process, lottery systems, and assessing school performance.

Engaging in Charter School Governance
This session will explore how parents can actively participate in the governance and decision-making processes of charter schools.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about charter school boards, parent-teacher associations, and advocating for their child's needs.

Student-Centered Learning in Charter Schools
This workshop will delve into the innovative teaching methods and personalized learning approaches commonly found in charter schools.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about project-based learning, individualized education plans, and how to support their child's learning style.

Navigating Charter School Accountability
This session will explain the accountability measures and performance assessments in place for charter schools.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about academic benchmarks, charter renewal processes, and ways to track their child's progress.

Parent-Teacher Partnerships in Charter Schools
This workshop will emphasize the importance of collaboration between parents and teachers in charter school settings.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about communication strategies, volunteering opportunities, and fostering a positive learning environment.

Preparing for College and Beyond in Charter Schools
This session will highlight the college and career readiness programs and resources available in charter schools.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about college counseling, internships, and how charter schools can help students achieve their post-secondary goals.


Understanding Magnet School Admissions
This workshop will demystify the magnet school application process, including how to choose the right program and navigate admissions criteria.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about program options, application deadlines, and tips for a successful application.

Supporting Your Child's Passion for Magnet Programs
This session will explore ways to nurture and encourage your child's interests in specialized magnet programs.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about identifying their child's talents, extracurricular activities, and resources for skill development.

Maximizing the Magnet School Experience
This workshop will discuss how parents can ensure their child gets the most out of their magnet school education.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about enrichment opportunities, connecting with like-minded families, and fostering a growth mindset.

Navigating Transportation and Logistics in Magnet Schools
This session will address the unique transportation challenges and logistical considerations in magnet school attendance.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about transportation options, carpooling, and how to manage schedules effectively.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Magnet Schools
This workshop will emphasize the importance of active collaboration between parents and teachers in magnet school environments.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about parent-teacher communication, volunteering in magnet programs, and creating a supportive learning community.

Preparing for College and Beyond in Magnet Schools
This session will highlight how magnet schools can provide a strong foundation for college and career readiness.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about college prep resources, internships, and how to align their child's interests with future goals.

Understanding Montessori Education Principles
This workshop will introduce parents to the Montessori philosophy and its unique approach to education.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about Montessori materials, the role of the teacher, and how to support their child's learning at home.

Creating a Montessori-Friendly Home Environment
This session will provide practical tips for parents on how to extend Montessori principles into their home life.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about designing a Montessori-inspired home, selecting age-appropriate materials, and fostering independence in their child.

Supporting Social and Emotional Development in Montessori
This workshop will focus on the Montessori approach to nurturing emotional intelligence and social skills.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about conflict resolution strategies, empathy-building activities, and the importance of a peaceful classroom environment.

Montessori Assessment and Progress Monitoring
This session will explain how Montessori schools assess and track a child's progress in a non-traditional way.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about observation methods, individualized learning plans, and parent-teacher conferences in Montessori settings.

Parent Involvement in Montessori Education
This workshop will discuss ways parents can actively participate in their child's Montessori education.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about volunteering opportunities, parent-teacher collaboration, and fostering a sense of community.

Preparing for Transition Beyond Montessori
This session will address the transition from Montessori education to traditional schooling or other educational pathways.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about preparing their children for different educational environments, evaluating school options, and ensuring a smooth transition.

Understanding the STEM Approach to Learning
This workshop will introduce parents to the principles of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and its benefits.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about hands-on learning, critical thinking skills, and the role of technology in STEM classrooms.

Supporting STEM Learning at Home
This session will provide parents with practical strategies to foster STEM interests and skills in their children outside of school.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about STEM resources, simple experiments, and ways to encourage curiosity and problem-solving.

Maximizing STEM Opportunities in School
This workshop will discuss how parents can ensure their child takes full advantage of STEM programs and resources at school.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about extracurricular STEM clubs, competitions, and the importance of a growth mindset in STEM fields.

STEM Career Exploration and Pathways
This session will explore various STEM career opportunities and how parents can help their child navigate them.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about STEM career pathways, internships, and how to connect classroom learning to real-world applications.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration in STEM Schools
This workshop will emphasize the importance of active collaboration between parents and STEM educators.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about communication strategies, volunteering in STEM initiatives, and creating a supportive STEM learning community.

Preparing for College and Beyond in STEM Education
This session will highlight how STEM schools can prepare students for higher education and careers in STEM fields.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about college admissions in STEM, scholarship opportunities, and how to support their child's aspirations.

Understanding Vocational Education Pathways
This workshop will introduce parents to the concept of vocational education and its potential benefits for their child's future.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about vocational programs, career tracks, and the practical skills their child can acquire.

Exploring Career Opportunities in Vocational Education
This session will explore the diverse career opportunities available to students who pursue vocational education.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about vocational fields, job demands, and how to align their child's interests with potential careers.

Supporting Career Development in Vocational Schools
This workshop will discuss strategies for parents to support their child's career development while attending a vocational school.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about networking, internships, and how to help their child build a professional portfolio.

Navigating the Transition to the Workforce
This session will address the transition from vocational school to the workforce or post-secondary education.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about job placement services, resume building, and interview preparation.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Vocational Schools
This workshop will emphasize the importance of collaboration between parents and vocational educators to support student success.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about communication strategies, participating in career fairs, and advocating for their child's needs.

Financial Planning for Vocational Education
This session will provide guidance on financial planning for vocational education, including exploring funding options and scholarships.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about financial aid, scholarship opportunities, and budgeting for vocational school expenses.


Understanding Special Education Programs
This workshop will provide an overview of special education programs and services available to students with diverse learning needs.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), 504 plans, and the range of support services.

Advocating for Your Child's Special Education Rights
This session will empower parents with knowledge on how to advocate effectively for their child's special education rights.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about legal protections, the IEP process, and how to collaborate with the school to meet their child's needs.

Supporting Social and Emotional Development in Special Education
his workshop will focus on strategies for parents to support the social and emotional well-being of children with special needs.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about building self-esteem, fostering positive relationships, and accessing counseling resources.

Navigating Transition Services for Special Education Students
This session will address the transition from special education programs to post-secondary education, employment, or independent living.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about transition planning, vocational training, and accessing community resources.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Special Education
This workshop will emphasize the importance of collaboration between parents and special education educators.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about effective communication, attending IEP meetings, and creating a supportive learning environment.

Preparing for a Bright Future with Special Needs
This session will provide guidance on helping children with special needs achieve their full potential and navigate life beyond school.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about post-secondary options, accessing support networks, and setting long-term goals for their child's future.

Understanding Military School Values and Discipline
This workshop will introduce parents to the values and discipline expectations in a military school environment.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about the core values, code of conduct, and character development in military schools.

Supporting Your Child's Adjustment to Military School
This session will discuss strategies for parents to help their child transition smoothly into the structured environment of a military school.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about preparing their children for the demands of military life, including physical fitness and time management.

Building Leadership Skills in Military Schools
This workshop will emphasize the development of leadership qualities in students attending military schools.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about leadership training, opportunities for responsibility, and how to nurture leadership skills at home.

Navigating Military School Resources and Support Services
This session will explain the support services and resources available to students in military schools.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about academic assistance, counseling services, and the role of advisors in military schools.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Military Schools
This workshop will stress the importance of collaboration between parents and educators in a military school setting.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about effective communication with instructors, participation in cadet activities, and fostering a supportive learning community.

Preparing for a Military Career or Beyond
This session will explore how military schools can prepare students for careers in the armed forces or other post-secondary options.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about military academies, ROTC programs, and career pathways in the military or civilian sectors.


Understanding Alternative Education Approaches
This workshop will introduce parents to the concept of alternative education and the various approaches available.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about project-based learning, experiential education, and the benefits of non-traditional approaches.

Supporting Your Child's Alternative Education Journey
is session will discuss strategies for parents to actively support their child's education in an alternative school.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about fostering creativity, self-directed learning, and exploring alternative resources.

Alternative Assessments and Progress Monitoring
This workshop will explain how alternative schools assess and track a child's progress through unconventional methods.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about portfolio assessment, competency-based learning, and how to measure their child's growth.

Navigating Transitions in Alternative Education
This session will address the unique challenges and opportunities in transitioning from an alternative school to college, vocational training, or the workforce.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about college admissions, career exploration, and supporting their child's transition.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Alternative Schools
This workshop will emphasize the importance of collaboration between parents and educators in alternative school settings.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about communication strategies, participating in project-based activities, and creating a supportive learning community.

Preparing for Lifelong Learning in Alternative Education
This session will highlight how alternative education can instill a love for learning and prepare students for a lifelong journey of education.

What Parents Will Learn: Parents will learn about fostering a growth mindset, exploring educational opportunities beyond school, and supporting their child's curiosity and passions.